Hello Family,
Have you ever worked hard for something? If so, once you got it were you fulfilled?
yes and yes
yes and no
Honestly, I haven't thought about it
I think so...
In a previous blog post titled, 'All these good things, and you still need more?' I shared my thoughts about fulfillment. Be sure to check it out if you haven't already...
At the inception of the previously mentioned blog post I was less than a full month into my "dream job". I got the chance to be a full-time news reporter in a new city directly out of undergrad and I was FEELING MYSELF! I was proud of myself for accomplishing my post-grad goals, but I felt "finding my way into my dream career" would be the answer to all of my problems.
I have some news for you... If your job is your "everything" and is a big part of your "identity", it may be a good time to take a step back and determine whether you're depending on it to be your god. I MADE MY CAREER my god. So this next part was realllllly rough for me...
Once I prayed and got confirmation to further my education in Fall of 2023 I dealt with an array of emotions. In some ways "new beginnings" felt refreshing, exciting even, and in other ways it felt like death. So, I tried to find a way to continue working full-time and going to school... and LORD knows that did not work. I've cried more within the past 2 weeks than I have in 6 months. I literally had to grieve my job, but more than that, I had to grieve an idol (my job title) that was bound to crumble due to my change of direction.
My job became the thing to give me "life","validation","worth", and "power". I trusted my job and it's security more than I trusted God.
I am writing to you now as a young Black christian cis-gendered woman who is starting over in the face of grief and a purpose-filled pivot. My last day at my news reporter job was August 14. It's been 4 days since I decided to start anew by taking the leap of faith to go to graduate school.
Side note: I'm actually writing this post in my new city :)
What's next? I don't have a clue.
Funny thing is... we can learn from bible characters like Moses, the Israelites, Noah, and many more, that God will lead His people where He sees fit. I am confident that God will provide, and truthfully I've been a witness to God's provision in a brand new way since I took this leap of faith.
If you're looking to get a fresh new start, and you believe God is leading you to take the leap, do it!
You don't have to know the entire plan from beginning to end when you know the character of the planner (God).
******READ THAT AGAIN******
Try to think back to moments when God made a way out of no way for you, opened up doors of opportunity, healed broken hearts, or simply spoke to you in moments of doubt. I can assure you now that THAT SAME GOD is alive and well and won't leave you to fend for yourself.
I will have a lot of new things to share as I learn more about myself, graduate school and God.
You are not alone, and this is not a coincidence that you are reading this message right now. Trust God and go where He is leading you. Your presence, gifts, and perspective is needed in this world.
I love you. Jesus loves you MOST!
Keep your head up, and if you can't that is okay to.
Stay encouraged. Be Fruitful.
XO Miss Ponder
That’s a very good word Ms. Ponder!